
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Since I Been Gone

There are a few random things running through my mind, and so this will be a rather disjointed post. 

I arrived back in Chengdu on Sunday afternoon, after about 34 hours of travel. Ick. It wasn't terrible, but I can't highly recommend spending 9 hours in the Beijing airport. But my luggage and I made it safe and sound.

Jet lag this time around has meant not sleeping through the night. I woke up 4-5 hours after falling asleep, stayed awake for a couple of hours, and then fell back to sleep. Last night was the first full night of sleep, which was a good start to the new school year!

In China, our fruit is all seasonal. Strawberries are in season during February, and a long time ago I froze a bunch of strawberries with the intention of making smoothies in the summer. (Who craves smoothies in February?!) I decided to make one the day after arriving back in China, and received an un-welcome-back surprise when I opened my blender. It was moldy. And had a cockroach leg stuck to the bottom of it, as you can see here:

After soaking in bleach and being scrubbed, it was as good as new and I enjoyed a strawberry-peach-yogurt smoothie and a good book. Very refreshing!

When I opened my iTunes tonight, I randomly chose to start with a BarlowGirl song called "Here's My Life." The lyrics are very poignant, especially for where I am at in life.  Be blessed!

Once again I said my goodbyes
To those who I love most
My heart feels that familiar pain
As I long for home
'Cause this road is hard
When I feel so far

God I'm crying out tonight
'Cause I've given You my life
But I'm tired and I'm missing what's behind
So once more here's my life

On the day that You called my name
All that I knew changed
I found when I said yes that I'd never be the same
Though the call is hard
You are worth it all

Even when the tears are falling
When I find I fear the calling
You remind me
Words You've spoken over my life
Promises I've yet to see
You comfort me

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